Saturday, December 24, 2011

Journal retracts paper on chronic fatigue syndrome

Reporting from Chicago?

A scientific paper embraced by many chronic fatigue syndrome patients as a ray of hope is being retracted by the journal that published it after a tumultuous year that included allegations of data manipulation and the arrest of the study's lead researcher on a felony charge of possessing stolen property.

In the paper, published in 2009 by the journal Science, researchers reported they had found evidence of a retrovirus called XMRV in the blood of patients diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome much more frequently than in the blood of healthy peers. The paper caused a stir and led other scientists to try to confirm the findings.

Patients rejoiced at the possibility of an explanation for their illness, which has long confounded researchers. Some patients even began taking antiretroviral drugs designed to treat a different retrovirus, HIV.

At the same time, the paper's lead researcher, Judy Mikovits, then employed at the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease in Reno, began linking XMRV to other frustrating disorders, including autism and Gulf War syndrome, without publishing data to support her statements.

Soon, independent teams of scientists began reporting they could not find evidence of the retrovirus in the blood of chronic fatigue patients or anyone else. Researchers hypothesized that lab contamination could have caused the original findings. Mikovits denied it.

Then, several authors on the original paper reported their data were flawed, resulting in a partial retraction. Science's staff attempted to get the paper's authors ? including Mikovits ? to agree to a full retraction, but the group could not agree on the wording, Science executive editor Monica Bradford said in an interview.

In particular, Mikovits and others wanted to include a statement that they had confidence in their larger conclusions about the presence of the virus, Bradford said. But some of the authors were uncomfortable with that, as was Science, she said.

On Thursday, Science's editor in chief, Bruce Alberts, said the journal would take the unusual step of retracting the paper itself.

Alberts listed several reasons: the partial retraction of data earlier in the year, the failure of multiple labs to reliably find evidence of XMRV in chronic fatigue patients' blood, poor quality control in some of the experiments and the acknowledgment by the paper's authors that they had left out some important information.

"Science has lost confidence in the report and the validity of its conclusions," Alberts wrote. "We regret the time and resources that the scientific community has devoted to unsuccessful attempts to replicate these results."

In an interview, Alberts said the episode was an unfortunate waste of time and resources for scientists and for patients. "I think this whole thing has been a tragedy for science," he said. "It is very sad that the patients got tied up and confused by it."

Attempts to contact Mikovits were unsuccessful.

Annette Whittemore, president of the Whittemore Peterson Institute, said in a statement that the institute would carry on with research on the illness. "It is not the end of the story," she wrote. "Rather it is the beginning of our renewed efforts."

At the center of the controversy is Mikovits, the scientist hired to be director of research by the institute, which was founded by the parents of a woman with chronic fatigue syndrome.

After the Science paper was published, some patients showered adulation on Mikovits. They wrote to her, crowded her at conferences and set up a defense fund when she ran into legal trouble. One patient signed message board postings: "In Judy We Trust."

Mikovits was controversial. Shortly after the paper came out, she spoke at the Autism One conference in Chicago, joining a lineup of speakers that included disgraced autism researcher Andrew Wakefield, who had lost the right to practice medicine in Britain for professional misconduct. There she linked XMRV to autism, a baseless assertion that has since been picked up by some in the autism community.

Earlier this year, the Chicago Tribune reported that Science was investigating whether data in the original paper had been manipulated after an Oklahoma graduate student, Abbie Smith, pointed out that Mikovits had presented the same figure twice ? once in the Science paper and once at a conference ? but with different labeling.

Science's executive editor, Bradford, said Mikovits explained the problem as an "honest error."

In September, the Whittemore Peterson Institute fired Mikovits and later filed a civil lawsuit alleging that she possessed key lab notebooks and other property belonging to the institute. An employee filed affidavits alleging Mikovits had instructed him to take the notebooks from the institute and hand them over to her.

Just before Thanksgiving, Mikovits was arrested in California and spent five days in jail. An arrest warrant issued by University of Nevada at Reno police listed two felony charges: possession of stolen property and unlawful taking of computer data, equipment, supplies or other computer-related property.

A spokeswoman for the institute said that Mikovits returned some but not all of the lab notebooks and that when she returned one computer, its hard drive had been wiped clean. Another computer is in police custody, the spokeswoman said.

On Monday, a Nevada judge granted a default judgment in the civil lawsuit in favor of the institute, and ordered Mikovits to pay attorney's fees.


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