Chapter 1: The Hill
Nick Malley was sitting on the hill writing a novel, he looked up at the sky and smiled, he liked coming out here it was peaceful and he could write in peace here, he had been writing a werewolf novel, he aspired to be a horror novelist for a long time, but no one ever believed in him so it was up to him to show people that he had talent. So he sat there and looked at the beautiful trees and smiled, they were leafless but he like them like that, it shows how quickly beauty could fade from the earth if not appreciated. He sighed and continued to write his novel, silently watching the field in front of him, no one was bothering him so he could sit there and write his novel in peace. He had problems at school with grades and people, he had been made fun of for a while and just wanted to get away from all of it. His Dc hat on his head, he was comfortable, and he was wearing his sweatshirt on him, keeping him at just the right temperature, the side of his face was getting cold from the wind but he didn't care, it felt gentle and kind, like a person that you think doesn't exist but when you meet them, they are nothing you have ever seen. Human nature is so cruel to things but no one changed dramtically there is always that little tiny pinprick of evilness just waiting to get out and cause havoc, even Nick had that problem and his beast was getting even worse with each waking day, and he just wanted to explode but kept it in so he didn't go off on people who didn't deserve it. Nick just wanted to have a friend, one that had the same interests as him, and saw him for him, not someone who was just a overweight quirky kid. Nick was a nice kid, just no one ever saw that in him, nor did they ever try to see it in him. Nick sighed and just sat there and looked at the sky, it was very beautiful and had a yellowish color like the sun but just the right brightness where he looked at it with eyes that had a tear coming out of them, he felt sad but at the same time he felt very peaceful. He got up and started to walk home to go to sleep, passing houses, he saw one that he always wanted to go in but someone had moved in there, and he walked past and waved at the man bringing boxes in, he smiled back so he was happy that he paid attention to him. "I hope that they have a teenager like me, so then i can make a friend for once. He shed a tear and looked back up at the other side of the sky and it was a pinkish-red and he almost cried in happiness, he was peaceful and was happy that he could do this, maybe he would do this more often, Nick was 16 and walked to his house and got in, his parents ignored him and continued talking, he sighed and went by his brother's room, he ignored him too, and Nick closed his door and sat on his bed and got ready for bed and pulled his cover's up and fell asleep slowly, hopefully tommorrow would be better for him, it was the week after Winter Break so he was anxious to see people again that weren't his family, and he closed his eyes and went off to the dream realm where he could imagine anything and be happy, and his body was free of pain for tonight.
Chapter 2: Human Nature
Nick got out of his car and locked the doors with a "Click" and the door was locked. He smiled and looked up at the sky, it was dark because it was 7:00 Am and the forecast said it would snow today, so he wanted to go to the hill again after school but the snow might prevent him, and he wouldn't be able to write as creative as he did yesterday, but maybe if he bundled up in gloves and such he would feel like a hot pocket in the cold. Nick laughed a little at that thought, he was happy that he was able to use simile's like that in daily life, so he continued walking into school to go to his first period, Guitar , and he had his hoodie up and walked into the school, "Damn, a lot of people" he said with a sigh and walked to his first period, trying to get in between people so he could get to his class on time, he came into class and sat by someone he didn't know, and looked over and his eyes couldn't stop looking, she was a beautiful long black haired girl with her hoodie up and looked shy, "Um, nice to meet you..." he said with a smile and a shy tone, "It's Arianna" she replied shyly with a smile "It's ok, you are new here right? Nick replied with a smile "My name is Nick!" he added with a joyful tone and continued plucking the strings of his guitar, and he looked at Arianna as she played Yellow and sang as she played, Nick was mesmorized by her playing and cried a little "Wow......that goes deep, you are the most beautiful guitar player i have heard" Nick said as he continued to hear her play, "Thanks, i have been playing for a while, Nice to meet you Nick, i'm new here, but i can already tell that i met a kind soul like mine here" She said with a smile and a soothing tone. Nick replied with a gentleman-like tone "Why are you so shy?, i know how you feel, i moved here 2 years ago and i was very alone, but i will not let that happen to you, i can help you" Arianna turned away in shyness "It's ok.....i just.....i need to be alone" Arianna said with a sad tone and had a few tears rolling down her face, Nick saw this and with a sigh he put his hand on her shoulder and said with a tear rolling down his eyes, "I'm sorry about you having to move, i know how it feels" Arianna turned and looked at him with fire in her eyes and yelled at him "Don't touch me!, leave me alone" in a sad tone Nick replied "So this is what i get for trying to help someone, fine be alone" he said with tears rolling down his face and put his head on his guitar, Arianna calmed down and grabbed him and hugged him tight "Look.....i'm sorry, i didn't mean it, i was just angry, i think that you being so nice to me is a sign from the heavens that i'm not alone, do you want to hang out at my house tonight?" Arianna said with a smile and continued to hug him. Nick was surprised by this and suddenly felt very warm by her hugging him, which was odd because it was very cold outside, it felt like.......fur on a wolf or a dog and he could hear her heartbeat and it was strong which was weird but he felt....Love when he first saw her, He then continued to hug her "It's ok, i understand how you are feeling and sure, i would love to hangout with you tonight!" he said with a smile and held her and showed her how to play Mat Kearney on her guitar and then went to his other 3 periods with her, he was happy that she had all 4 that were the same as him, but that was very odd, no one ever had that many periods with someone, but he shrugged the feeling off and went to his next 3 periods in this order: Mystery and Suspense, Allegro, and Drawing and when he saw her drawings of wolves, he was amazed at this girl "Dear god, you are just an all around amazing and talented woman "Thanks, that means a lot to me" Arianna said with a smile and held his hand "I think you are a great person Nick, and i'm glad i met you" She said with a smile and walked out of class after the bell "BRINGGGGG" that dreadful sound and she walked him to her house, past the small town that they lived in called "Timberwolf" into the woods where she lived in a house that was a beautiful tan and they walked in "I'm home Mom!" She said with a smile and walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table with Nick "I see you brought a friend, Arianna, nice to meet you i'm Paige Timber!" She said with a smile and put 2 steaks on the table for dinner "Nice to meet you Ms.Timber, wait you are the grandaughter of James Timber aren't you?" he said with a curious look "Yes i am and i see you and my daughter have got off to a good start, i'm glad she has made friends, and we moved here after James died 2 weeks ago, and i inherited his house, and so far i like the woods around it" Paige said with a smile, and ate her steak happily, "Well i'm glad to have met someone so beautiful like your daughter, and thank you for the steak, i love steak very much and it tastes great" he said with a happy tone and picked up his fork and cut off a piece of it with his knife and ate it "Wow, this is.......the best steak i have ever had, well done Ms.Timber" He said with a smile and continued eating it happily, Paige said with a beautiful smile "I'm glad you like it so much, i enjoy steak as much as you and my daughter do, and you are welcome to come here anytime, i'm glad Arianna met you" She said with a soothing tone and a smile that would light up the sky, "Mom!, your making him nervous, but thank you for saying he could come over here anytime, he is a kind soul and complimented me graciously at school today" Arianna said with a soothing tone and kissed Nick on the cheek and Hugged him again while he ate his steak, Nick's face turned red and he kissed her back after wiping off his mouth, he didn't want to be rude "Um, thank you!" he said with a nervous but happy tone and walked with her up to her room, "Do you play World of Warcraft Nick?" Arianna replied as they went in her room, the carpet was a beautiful silver and the walls were also silver "Yes i do and might i say your room is beautiful but not as beautiful as you, and i like the wolf paintings, they are such magestic creatures and have such beautiful fur, i quite enjoy documentaries on them, but it is sad that they are hunted, they deserve peace and quiet just like every other living thing" Nick said with a sad tone, Arianna looked at him with a smile "That is amazing, i'm glad people see the injustice they have gone through, and i'm glad you play because now we can play together!" Arianna said with a smile.
Chapter 3: The beast in us all
Both of them continued to play World of Warcraft on their computers until Arianna looked out the window and had a look of horror on her face, she looked at the moon and dreadfully said "Full Moon" and ran over to Nick, "You need to leave, i.....have things to do!" she said with a wince of pain and fell over on the ground and winced in pain again, Nick said with a concerned tone, "Arianna what is going on, are you ok?" Arianna closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them again, they were yellow and Nick saw that and backed away, her spine excrusiatingly bended to where she was on all fours and out of her back grew a long white tail and surprisinly didn't rip her pants, and her feet slowly deformed as the toes bent to deform into white paws with her feeling the sole of her foot becoming padded with fur, and her hands painfully bent into claws with white fur and her arms also started turning into strong arms with white fur and her chest went out to get stronger and more defined and also grew white fur, her ears turned into wolf ears that were as white as snow and her teeth broke out and blood gushed out of them but the blood stopped and new canine like teeth grew in with fangs on the front and her face deformed to a snout with her nose and her face completely looked like a white wolf's face and she turned and looked at Nick with flesh hungry eyes. She managed to yell out with a howl "Get outooooooooooooo!" and then the beast took over her completely and Nick jumped out the window and did a roll so he didn't break anything.
"Oh dear god, i read about this.......Lycanthropy, just like the novel i was writing, Arianna is a Werewolf!, i need to get through to her, somewhere in that flesh hungry beast's mind is a tiny sliver of Arianna trying to fight the beast so it wouldn't hurt Nick, and he decided for the better to turn around and try to convince the beast who he now know's why their last name is Timber charged at him, he didn't dodge in time and the beast opened it's maw wide with it's white teeth gleaming with hatred and you could smell the saliva and see it dripping from it's mouth just aching for a taste of Nick's flesh and sunk it's fang's deep into the right shoulder of Nick and laying him on the ground, Nick Winced in pain as he felt the pain from the fangs in his shoulder, the warm blood coating his arm as it made the slow "Drip, Drip, Drip" sound like a faucet that wasn't turned off completely and he passed out on the soft forest floor, He remembered the bite from a neighbor's dog and remembered the pain from it, this pain was even worse but when he was laid down he felt the warm white velvety fur on him carrying him back to Arianna's house he knew that he had gotten through to her from that, and Arianna laid him on her bed and proceeded to get her mom "Arianna, it's ok, i will help him i promise" Paige said with a soothing tone and told Arianna to get a chair and sit by her so she could help her stitch up his wound. "I'm sorry Nick" Arianna said and wiped his head slowly and calmly and hugged him tight and kissed him on the forehead.
Chapter 4: Realization
Nick suddenly woke up and was in Arianna's bed and laid up slowly, "Thank god you are awake, look i'm sorry for attacking you, i wanted to mention to you that.......The reason it is called Timberwolf is because my whole family is werewolves and now you are one of us, but i will help you learn to control it. I promise you that" Arianna said with a smile and hugged him tight. "It's ok, i know that you weren't in control, i let myself be attack you know?, so i could get through to you and save you" Nick said with a pained smile and looked at his shoulder, it had healed up but there were two distinct bite marks in it. "You did that to save me?.........i don't know what to say, Thank you, i stopped the beast because of your actions and because of that, you are now Nick Timber, now and forever, welcome to the family Nick" Arianna said with a smile and hugged him tight and sat there with him and Paige came in "So you are my son now Nick?, good, i like you because you gave up your human life to save my daughter from hurting anyone else, and you are family to me now, and i think you are a great addition to the Timber family, i think James would agree with me if he was here today, Nick smiled and looked at his eyes in the bathroom mirror and they had turned into a hazel brown instead of being blue as the ocean, he liked them that way, his hair was jet black and he had fangs in his mouth with canine teeth and he smiled "I think i am going to like being a werewolf, and being with you all, you treat me more like family then my old family does" Nick said with a smile and ran to hug Arianna again, "I love you Arianna and i always will, now can we have some steak, i am starving!" He said with a happy growl and ran downstairs.
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