Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Strategic Communications Director, CNT Energy | Foresight Design ...

The Strategic Communications Director will position CNT Energy, both nationally and locally, as a leading source of strategies, tools, and policies to promote energy efficiency. The Director will help CNT Energy shape core messages, position the organization among target audiences, and incorporate that messaging and positioning into presentations, media relations, and other public outreach.

The Director will supervise and coordinate CNT Energy communications and outreach staff to raise the visibility of the organization as a thought leader and effective practitioner in each of CNT Energy?s program areas. The Director will work with program heads to develop and achieve their communications objectives, including enrollment and customer satisfaction. The Director will also work closely with CNT and I-GO Car Sharing communications staff to coordinate strategies and crosspromote each other?s work.

The Strategic Communications Director reports directly to the Executive Director of CNT Energy. The Strategic Communications Director will be a member of CNT Energy?s Senior Management Team.


  • Develop a strategic communications plan for the organization
  • Oversee branding and communications for the organization
  • Oversee CNT Energy?s electronic and social media presence, better expanding and integrating both with the strategic communication plan
  • Work with CNT Energy?s Board and staff to frame CNT Energy?s core messages and ensure their broad understanding and adoption by staff
  • Represent CNT Energy at public events and to the media
  • Develop and manage relationships with relevant publications, key influencers, and members of the media
  • Monitor and evaluate news, trends and events, with an eye toward opportunities to communicate CNT Energy?s work
  • Assist program managers and senior leadership team in effectively communicating CNT Energy?s abilities and successes to grantors and other funders in formal and informal communications
  • Assist program managers in developing communications goals and work plans
  • Support developing program managers and senior staff into competent spokespersons for the organization and their own programs
  • Supervise communications and outreach staff and support them in achieving programmatic communications goals


  • Extensive knowledge of, and 5-10 years experience in, strategic communications, media relations, and outreach
  • Passion for CNT Energy?s mission
  • Bachelor?s degree in communications or related field
  • Strong management skills
  • Strong analytical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Extraordinary attention to detail
  • Ability to work well independently and self-start, as well as collaborate in a team setting
  • Local and regional travel is anticipated

This is an Exempt position. Salary is commensurate with experience.

To Apply
Please send cover letter, resume, and salary history to:
Center for Neighborhood Technology
2125 W. North Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647
Fax to 773-278-3840 or email to
No phone calls please.


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