Sunday, May 27, 2012

Poison X adventures the complete season 1

Poison X adventures the complete season 1

A script I need for a super hero show aniation I am making.


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So this'll be made into an animated series? Nice! I might try thinking up a character for this later, and see how it turns out.

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Yep, animated series. Thanks for even thinking bout joining.

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I'm honoured that i can return as the Ring Master. I was thinking about introducing her son and student.

The Regent of The Mask

A Shinobi Death Poem

Many lives these two blades have taken,
As many as they have protected,
My blood covered lips speak no words,
As I stare into the blades reflection,

Blackness covers all I see and all I touch,
No feeling of pain just sorrow,
My hand loses grip of the sword I held,
And I turn to become a true shadow,

Like all nights the sun has set,
With darkness all around me,
Just one difference I see tonight,
The sun will not rise in the morning.

~ Kai (Me)

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Darkness, you can introduce him any time in season 1, or I can make him his own episode in season 2?

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I thought i would introduce him in "A Mother's Touch."

Also, i had an idea that the Ring Master could be one of the Primary Antagonists, and is trying to destroy everyone with her new mutation. So i thought we could zone in on that during one of the episodes in Season one, and a few in Season 2?

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A Mother's Touch, that would be perfect! Darkness, you are getting smarter and smarter each day. Yeah, she could be a main, I am going to start this bitch up, but any one can just jump in at any time. I was thinking each episode could last a page each?

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I mean, i'll unmask him in "A Mother's Touch." but you'll meet him and her daughter before then. Mask uses a sword, and her Daughter, "Nightingale," uses Martial Arts.

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Your still smart. Sure, go ahead. Oh, and Emrald is back, we could do something with ring Master and him?

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''I'm on my way to Heaven..'' ''Can we tag along, Can we take a journey?''

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Ah, Tornado is here. Rose? You could be Rose or any body you want.

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Hello friends! OK, I guess I can be Rose. I may make Kyra again.

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Good lord, things have started up so quickly. Better get my character started and submitted.

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Gamer we are just introducing the episode, nothing much.

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Ah, okay. Cheers for the heads-up there. Almost done with the character anyway. I was thinking along the lines of a defected Spy, who mostly sits on the sidelines, sometimes giving bits of info the the heroes. How's that idea sound for you?

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Okay, submitted. Didn't really bother with an image since I doubt I'd find exactly what I was looking for.

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Its fine man, just find a way to come in.

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Might make an entrance in the second episode, but for now, it's getting late over in this timezone. Peace out!

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