Cultural Arts and Community Events Calendar
July 2012
Through July 28
Annual Glynn County Art Teachers Exhibit? New work by local art instructors. Thu-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-2pm. Historic Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Bwk. Golden Isles Arts & Humanities: 262-6934,
Through July 31
Debbie Munford? Spotlight artist. Opening reception June 8, 5-7 pm. Tue-Sat 10am-4pm. Old Jail Art Center, Darien. McIntosh Art Assn: 437-7711,? HYPERLINK ?http://www.http:/
George Netherton? Featured artist, impressionist landscapes, buildings. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 9:30am-5pm, Tue, Thu 9:30am-8pm. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 267-1212,? HYPERLINK ?
July 3-28
The Big Photo Show? Exhibit & sale of work by Coastal Photographer?s Guild. Opening reception July 5, 5-8pm. 9am-5pm. Glynn Art Gallery, 529 Beachview Dr., SSI. Glynn Art Assn: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
July 3-August 3
Sapelo Island? Paintings by artist Ann Marie Dalis, Sapelo Island?s 2011 Artist in Residence. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm. Southeast Georgia Health System Outpatient Care Center Art Gallery, Starling St., Bwk. 262-0628,? HYPERLINK ?
July 6-September 5
The World of Collage? New work by Angie Rea Jensen. Artist reception First Friday, July 6, 5-8pm. Thu-Fri 11am-5:30pm, Sat 10am-4pm or by appt. Art Downtown Theatre Gallery, 1413 Newcastle St., Bwk. 262-0628, HYPERLINK ?
July 19-28
From Impressionism to Pointillism? New work?by David Whitty. Tues-Sat 10am-5pm. Left Bank Art Gallery, 3600 Frederica Rd., SSI. 638-3017,? HYPERLINK ?
July 31-August 25
Oak Grove Island Show? New work by members of Oak Grove Artist Guild. Opening reception Aug 2, 5-7pm. 9am-5pm. Glynn Art Gallery, 529 Beachview Dr., SSI. Glynn Art Assn: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
July 1
A Little Light Music? Concert series featuring Mason Waters. Bring the family, a picnic supper and lawn chairs, 7-9 pm. $12 adults, children under 12 free. Lighthouse grounds, SSI. Coastal Georgia Historical Society: 638-4666, HYPERLINK ?
July 8
Jazz in the Park? Outdoor concert featuring Phil Morrison Trio and Michael Hulett. 7-9pm. $10 adults, $5 ages 6-12, under 6 free. Neptune Park, SSI. Golden Isles Arts & Humanities: 262-6934,
July 14-August 12
The Queen of Bingo Comedy by Jeanne Michels and Phyllis Murphy, with bingo game with prize for audience. Dessert and coffee included. Sat 8pm, Sun 3pm. $25. Art Downtown Brunswick Actors Theatre, 1413 Newcastle St., Bwk. 280-0023,? HYPERLINK ?
The Wizard of Oz? Production of Young Peoples? Summer Workshop Wed-Sat 7:30pm, matinees Sat & Sun 3:30pm. Adults $12;? College Students $8; Students 18 and under $5. Casino Theatre, 530 Beachview Dr., SSI. Island Players: 638-0338,? HYPERLINK ?
July 28?Franklin Pond String Quartet? Chamber music by Mozart, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Haydn. 7-8:30pm. $15. Mistletoe Cottage, Historic District, JI. Jekyll Island Authority: 635-3636, 877-4-JEKYLL,? HYPERLINK ?
July 29?Franklin Pond String Quartet Student Performance? Chamber music by students. 7-8:30pm. $15. Mistletoe Cottage, Historic District, JI. Jekyll Island Authority: 635-3636, 877-4-JEKYLL,? HYPERLINK ?
July 29
Jazz in the Park? Outdoor concert featuring Terry ?Doc? Handy. 7-9pm. $10 adults, $5 ages 6-12, under 6 free. Neptune Park, SSI. Golden Isles Arts & Humanities: 262-6934,
July 11
A Better Life? US, 2011. 7pm. Casino Theatre, 530 Beachview Dr., SSI. Literary Guild of St. Simons Island: 289-7357, HYPERLINK ?
July 12
Grease Sing-Along? US, 1978. Opening of Summer Classic Movies at the Ritz series. Song lyrics projected on screen and audience encouraged to perform along with movie. Costume prizes, free popcorn, dining and drink specials at Downtown merchants, cartoons & shorts half hour before feature. 7pm. $5. Historic Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Bwk. Golden Isles Arts and Humanities: 262-6934,
July 12, 26
Read Between The Covers Book-to-Movie Series? Part of Summer Reading Program for adults. Call for titles and showtimes. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 580-4939,? HYPERLINK ?
July 19
Jaws? US, 1975. Blockbuster thriller for Summer Classic Movies at the Ritz series. Door prizes, free popcorn, dining and drink specials at Downtown merchants, cartoons & shorts half hour before feature. 7pm. $5. Historic Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Bwk. Golden Isles Arts and Humanities: 262-6934,
July 26
Adam?s Rib? US, 1949. Tracy-Hepburn comedy for Summer Classic Movies at the Ritz series. Door prizes, free popcorn, dining and drink specials at Downtown merchants, cartoons & shorts half hour before feature. 7pm. $5. Historic Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Bwk. Golden Isles Arts and Humanities: 262-6934,
July 4
Sunshine Festival & Fireworks? Food, entertainment. 11am-10pm, fireworks 9pm. Pier Village, SSI. Pier Village Association: 262-0628
July 4
Old-Fashioned 4th of July Celebration? Games & prizes, free watermelon slices, music, fireworks at dark. Mary Ross Waterfront Park, Bay & Gloucester Sts., Bwk. City of Brunswick & Golden Isles Arts and Humanities: 262-6934,
July 6
First Friday Fun at the Library: ?Dream Big? with Junie B. Jones? Barbara Park?s storybook character in person, photo opps. Part of Summer Reading Program. 5:30-6:30pm. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 267-1212,? HYPERLINK ?
July 7-8
Annual Sunshine Festival Arts & Crafts Show? Jewelry, pottery, paintings, etc. Postell Park, Beachview Dr., SSI. Pier Village Association: 262-0628
July 19-21
Book Sale? Benefit for St. Simons Island Library. Books for every age and interest. Donations and volunteers welcome. 10am-4pm. Casino Atrium, 530 Beachview Dr., SSI. 638-8234,? HYPERLINK ?
July 21
Regimental Drill Days? Experience Col.Heron?s company of the 42nd Regiment of Foot and members of the Frederica Town militia as they demonstrate a version of early colonial British musket and cannon drills.? 9:30-11:30am, 2-4pm. $3 adults, 15 & under free. Fort Frederica National Monument, 6515 Frederica Rd., SSI. 638-3639,? HYPERLINK ?
July 30?2nd Annual Fore the Animals Golf Classic? Golf tournament to benefit Humane Society of South Coastal Georgia. Registration & continental breakfast 7am, tee off 8:30am. Includes cart and lunch. Frederica Golf Club, SSI. Humane Society: 264-6246,? HYPERLINK ?
July 5, 20
Kindermusik? Rhythm, music, movement for children up to 5 & parents. July 5 at 11am, July 20 at 3pm. St. Simons Library, 530A Beachview Dr., SSI. 638-8234,? HYPERLINK ?
July 6
Explore the Pastel Medium? Workshop led by Louise Eaton. 9am-1pm. $50. Glynn Art Gallery, 529 Beachview Dr., SSI. Glynn Art Assn: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
July 8-13
Basics of Filmmaking Camp at the Ritz? Young filmmakers ages 14-16 get hands-on experience creating their own short film.?Students are welcome to bring personal laptops with video editing software. Bring own lunch; snacks and drinks provided. Public screening after last day of class. $175; $125 each for 2 or more camps or siblings. Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Historic Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Bwk. Golden Isles Arts & Humanities: 262-6934,
July 8-13
Youth Symphony Camp? Week-long residential and day camp for intensive training in classical music through private instruction, solo daily practice, sectional and full orchestra rehearsals. Scholarships available for SE Georgia students. College of Coastal Georgia. Coastal Youth Symphony of Georgia: 634-3453, HYPERLINK ?
July 9 & 16, July 30 & August 6
iPhone Photography? Workshop for children ages 12+. 1:30-4:30pm. $45 nonmembers, $40 members. Glynn Art Gallery, 529 Beachview Dr., SSI. Glynn Art Assn: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
July 16-20
Summer Theatre Camp at the Ritz? Ages 6-7 learn stage skills and create work based on the book The Boy Who Cried Ninja. Bring own lunch; snacks and drinks provided. Public performance last day of class. $175; $125 each for 2 or more camps or siblings. Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Historic Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Bwk. Golden Isles Arts & Humanities: 262-6934,
July 16-20 & 23-27
Clay and Collage Pottery Camp? 10am-1pm. $135. Glynn Art Gallery, 529 Beachview Dr., SSI. Glynn Art Assn: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
July 16-20 & 23-27
Creative Kaleidoscope Art Camp? Children?s camp. 10am-1pm. $135. Glynn Art Gallery, 529 Beachview Dr., SSI. Glynn Art Assn: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
July 20
?Dream Big? Puppet Workshop? Curious Moon Puppet Theatre leads class in making puppets and props for ages 8+, with puppet show. Reservations requested. 2pm. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 580-4939,? HYPERLINK ?
July 28
AARP Driver Safety Class? Refresher course approved by Georgia Department of Transportation. Book cost $12 AARP members, $14 non-members.? Reservations suggested: 634-5997. 9am. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 580-4939,? HYPERLINK ?
Photography Shoot Out? Live models. 9am-5pm. $100 Nonmembers $90 Members. Glynn Art Gallery, 529 Beachview Dr., SSI. Glynn Art Assn: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
July 30-August 3
Summer Theatre Camp at the Ritz? Ages 13-16 learn stage skills and create work based on the Grimm Brothers tale of Cinderella. Bring own lunch; snacks and drinks provided. Public performance last day of class. $175; $125 each for 2 or more camps or siblings. Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Historic Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Bwk. Golden Isles Arts & Humanities: 262-6934,
July 30-August 3
Fiber Arts Camp? Children ages 8+ learn knitting and other fiber arts. 1:30-4:30pm. $135. Glynn Art Gallery, 529 Beachview Dr., SSI. Glynn Art Assn: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
Art Classes and Workshops? All media, ages, and experience levels; various times and prices. Glynn Art Association: 638-8770,? HYPERLINK ?
Art Classes? All ages and levels. Various times and prices. Art Downtown: 262-0628, HYPERLINK ?
Art Classes? Oils, acrylics, pottery. Weekly. McIntosh Art Assn: 437-7711,? HYPERLINK ?
July 10
Craig Amason? Director of Flannery O?Connor-Andalusia Foundation speaks about the author and foundation?s work to restore and preserve her home, Andalusia. Part of Georgia Authors Series focusing on the influence and legacy of authors who lived and worked in our state. 11am.? Casino Bldg., Room 108, 530 Beachview Dr. SSI. St. Simons Library: 638-8234,? HYPERLINK ?
July 10
?Dream Big? with Okefenokee Joe? Children?s character teaches ?Earth Day is Every Day.? Part of Summer Reading Program. 11am. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 267-1212,? HYPERLINK ?
July 12
Story Time with Junie B. Jones? Kids meet book character and enjoy stories, songs. 11am. Casino Bldg., Room 108, 530 Beachview Dr. SSI. St. Simons Library: 638-8234,? HYPERLINK ?
July 14
The Plantations of St. Simons Island? Presentation by Mildred Wilcox and curator Dayna Caldwell includes historical paintings by Mildred Huie, sculptures by Mary Whitty. Reservations appreciated. 3-5pm. $5 suggested donation. Mildred Huie Plantation Museum, 1819 Frederica Rd., SSI. 638-3017,? HYPERLINK ?
July 17
?Dream Big? Storytime with Llama Llama? Part of Summer Reading Program for kids. 11am. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 580-4939,? HYPERLINK ?
July 17
Helen Borrello? Representative of Flannery O?Connor Childhood Home in Savannah speaks about O?Connor?s influence on other Georgia writers and importance as a? writer.? Part of Georgia Authors Series. 11am.
Casino Bldg., Room 108, 530 Beachview Dr. SSI. St. Simons Library: 638-8234,? HYPERLINK ?
July 17
Author Book Talk? Charles Seabrook: The World of the Salt Marsh. 7pm. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 580-4939,? HYPERLINK ?
July 24
?Dream Big? Storytime with Stellaluna? Popular children?s book character shares stories. Part of Summer Reading Program for kids. 11am. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 580-4939,? HYPERLINK ?
July 24
Flannery O?Connor? Discussion of the author?s life and work. Part of the Georgia Authors Series. 11am. Casino Bldg., Room 114, 530 Beachview Dr. SSI. St. Simons Library: 638-8234,? HYPERLINK ?
July 24 & 26
Flying Debris/Ocean Ecology? University of Georgia Marine Extension Service interactive program about importance of protecting our oceans.? Tue 6:30pm, Thu 2pm. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 580-4939,? HYPERLINK ?
July 26
Story Time with Stellaluna? Kids meet book character and enjoy stories, songs. 11am. St. Simons Library: 638-8234,? HYPERLINK ?
July 31
Once Upon a Time in a Song? Annie Akins brings to music folk tales and stories of the night.? Part of Summer Reading Program for kids. 11am. Brunswick Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Bwk. 580-4939,? HYPERLINK ?
July 6
First Friday? Visit the shops, galleries, restaurants of Historic Downtown Brunswick; art openings, live music, food and beverage pairing samples. 5-8pm. Main Street Brunswick/DDA: 265-4032,? HYPERLINK ?
July 24
Golden Isles Arts and Humanities Annual Meeting? New board elections, review of past and upcoming programs, refreshments. RSVP requested. 6:30-8:30pm. Members free, nonmembers $10.? Historic Ritz Theatre, 1530 Newcastle St., Bwk. 262-6934,
This calendar is endorsed by the Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce and supported by the Brunswick-Golden Isles Visitors Bureau.
Bwk = Brunswick, SSI = St. Simons Island, JI = Jekyll Island.? Area codes are 912 unless otherwise noted.
Events without admission prices listed are usually free and open to the public, but please call organization or venue to confirm.? Details could change after press time; please call individual event contact number to confirm.
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