Saturday, March 31, 2012

Belmont Farmers launch Kickstarter to build Route 3 Farm Stand ...

BELMONT, Maine ? The Bahner Farm is seeking donations to fund the construction of a new farm stand to provide local residents with fresh organic vegetables and an opportunity for customers to connect with the food they eat by visiting the farm on Route 3.

In 2009 Mike and Christa Bahner joined forces to create Bahner Farm on 4 acres of land with a bucolic view on the busy road which connects Belfast and Augusta. The fields had been untouched for 20 years and the job of preparing the soil for crops was arduous, but the hearty, enthusiastic couple were up to the task. After 3 years of hard work and determination, as well as a farm wedding, and the birth of baby Lizzy, Mike and Christa have created a bustling, productive farm which grows over 100 MOFGA certified organic crops a year. Their goods are sold at Farmer?s Markets around the Mid-Coast, as well as to the Farm?s growing Community Supported Agriculture Program (CSA).

In 2012 Bahner Farm is planning to launch construction on a farm stand at the farm itself that will serve their immediately local community and a significant Route 3 commuter population. Up to this point about 90% of the farm?s sales are made away from the farm, at farmers markets, two of which are an hour and a half away. The Bahners plan to cut back on their carbon footprint by selling more of their produce directly at the farm and hope customers will be able to have a more meaningful connection to their food by seeing where and how their food is grown.

To be successful, the stand will need a spacious and safe parking area, and an attractive, permanent building. The Bahners have designed a 16?x16? structure using a business planning grant from Farms for the Future. It will be able to close up to be a heated space during our Winter Community Supported Agriculture pick ups, or open up completely for use as a breezy, beautiful summer farm stand.

To achieve the goal of building the farm stand in 2012, the couple has launched a Kickstarter campaign. Kickstarter is a popular web based fundraising platform made especially for creative projects, such as this building. The guidelines of Kickstarter provide that the project has only a limited time to accept donations, and if the goal is not met in that time, the project does not get funded (money pledged goes back to the donor). The Bahner?s farmstand Kickstarter campaign goal is $12,524 and concludes on April 14th. Thank you gifts for donating to the project include Bahner Farm bumper stickers, tote bags, dinner at the farm, CSA shares, tractor driving lessons, a hand built cold frame, or even the opportunity to name a chicken or greenhouse.

Bahner farm is located at 153 Augusta Road (Route 3).

For more information, including a budget breakdown of the project and the diagram of the stand, and the link to the farm Kickstarter campaign visit or call the farm at 342-2592.

This post was contributed by a community member.

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Takeaway Apps Or Restaurant Apps Really Helps

Miscellaneous Written by Anonymous ??Friday, 30 March 2012 05:10 Open the door for many great promotional strategies by owning a custom iPhone and Android app for your restaurant. With their customer-base custom restaurant apps gives the restaurateur 24/7 access to a direct line of communication. Wanting to know more about the history, menu, and specials of resturants are now easily accessible by users. In-App Reservations is one more feature which is actively changing the way things have always been done before.

With the time, party size and date, and turn-by-turn directions to the restaurant location customers are now provided with a convenient feature within the restaurant's app allowing them to make reservations, receive email notifications confirmations. Reservations are free and you can make them at any time around the clock. As the App users are completely accommodated with In-app custom features by the restaurant including being able to choose from utilizing Google's GPS map and directions or directly calling the restaurant with the easy one-touch button residing on the landing page of the restaurant's custom app.

By allowing a convenient way for customers to reserve a spot at their favorite eatery reservation systems are saving business owners time and eventually money. Restaurant mobile app developers should always provide restaurant owners with an east-to-use backend reservation management system. Superior guest recognition can be developed with the help of this system by the restaurant owners. Reservations systems immediately record information to the database due to the "real-time" availability. in the long run it will ended up saving you time and money and it is the greatest benefit for the business owners.

Why restaurants and other businesses are employing the mobile app strategy within their marketing tactics have many multiple reasons but the most common is to have an advantage over their competition. Nearly 65% of small businesses agrees with the wireless technologies help provide a better competitive advantage for businesses. For both you and your customers mobile apps are a great time-saver. Many of you would be wondering that can mobile apps be the next big gain for marketing restaurants. Thousand of restaurants are coming aboard the new innovative app craze to get ahead of their competitors and it's working so far. Be sure that your mobile app developer can provide you with the option of also choosing from the OpenTable Reservation System If you're a restaurant owner interested in mobile marketing for your business. Mobile app for restaurants is a very useful tool to own for any customer and the business owner.

TimeAppsShop is a mobile app company that offers iPhone app for restaurants and takeaways.

Copyright © 2012

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Last Updated on Friday, 30 March 2012 05:10

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US Army tests robot that can jump 30 feet high

Developed by Boston Dynamics and Sandia National Labs, the Sand Flea reconnaissance robot can leap through a second-floor window.?

If you think that you might be safe from a robot uprising just because you live on the second floor, think again. A team of scientists have developed a reconnaissance robot that can jump 30 feet in the air and is precise enough to leap through a window two stories up. ?

Skip to next paragraph The 11-pound Sand Flea robot normally drives like a remote control car, but when it needs to, it can jump 30 feet into the air. An onboard stabilization system keeps it oriented during flight to improve the view from the video uplink and to control landings. Current development of Sand Flea is funded by the The US Army's Rapid Equipping Force.

Developed by Boston Dynamics, an engineering firm based in Waltham, Mass., with funding from?the Army's Rapid Equipping Force, the Sand Flea weighs 11 pounds and looks like a stripped-down RC car.?Before jumping, the Sand Flea stops, rears back, and then fires a piston that launches it into the air.

The piston is powered by a CO2 ?charge. The Sand Flea can jump 25 times before the charge needs to be replaced.

The Sand Flea is an updated version of the Precision Urban Hopper, which was developed by Sandia National Laboratories. The Sand Flea improves upon its predecessor with a gyroscopic?stabilization?system that keeps it oriented as it jumps, making for improved video in midflight.

The Sand Flea has been sent to?Army Test and Evaluation Command for?evaluation. CNET reports that, if it passes, the Army will ship nine of them to Afghanistan, where they will join the roughly 2,000 other robots currently deployed there.?


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Friday, March 30, 2012

James Cameron describes deepest spot in ocean as 'barren' (+video)

Filmmaker James Cameron became the first person to make a solo dive to Challenger Deep, the deepest known point in the ocean, in a custom-built submersible.?

James Cameron has returned from the abyss.?

Skip to next paragraph National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence James Cameron completed a record-breaking dive to the lowest point of the Mariana Trench. See scenes as Cameron's sub, DEEPSEA CHALLENGER, resurfaced, and Cameron emerged from the pilot's capsule around noon, local time (10 p.m. ET March 25th).

The director of "Titanic" and "Avatar" successfully completed the 6.8-mile dive to the Challenger Deep, thought to be the lowest point on Earth, and has returned to the surface. The filmmaker's verdict on the spot, which has been visited by humans only once before:?"I just sat there looking out the window, looking at this barren, desolate lunar plain, appreciating," Cameron told the Associated Press.

In other words, he didn't see much, save for a few inch-long amphipods, shrimplike bottom feeders, scuttling across the soft ocean floor. Due to a hyraulic failure on his submarine's sample collector, Cameron was also unable to bring back much in the way of souvenirs.?

Cameron is just the third person in history to visit Challenger Deep, which lies in the 1,500-mile-long Mariana Trench in the North Pacific. The other two adventurers, US Navy lieutenant Don Walsh and Swiss scientist Jacques Piccard, took their dive together in 1960. But they didn't see much, as their landing stirred up so much sediment that it obscured their vision. After just 20 minutes on the bottom, the two explorers returned to the surface empty-handed.

Unlike the vehicle that transported Walsh and Piccard, Cameron made his trip in the Deepsea Challenger, a vessel that is much taller than it is wide. This unique, 24-foot-long ship took eight years to build in Australia. It's cost hasn't been disclosed.

The vessel is innovative in several ways. To protect against the potentially crushing pressure in the deep sea, the project's lead engineer, Ron Allum, designed a new foam flotation material Isofloat that will not crack, compress or lose buoyancy on the journey. This foam makes up 70 percent of the submersible's volume.

Other important components of the sub are its lights and cameras. Cameron captured hi-resolution 3D footage during his dive.?

Scientific feats such as trips to the bottom of the sea, are most commonly tackled by governments and scientific organizations. And other entrepreneurs like Richard Branson are also trying to get to the deepest part of the sea.

But Cameron has distinguished himself. Not only does he have access to the necessary fiscal resources, but his talent with a camera, curiosity and adventurous spirit set him apart.

?Imagination feeds exploration,? Cameron said, according to National Geographic, one of the trip's sponsors, before the journey. ?You have to imagine the possible before you can go and do it.?

Though he has the necessary skills for the job, Cameron's physical attributes provided some challenges: All six feet, two inches of Cameron were?crammed inside a metal sphere with a diameter at the surface of just 43 inches. During the dive,?Cameron reported that his sub shrank by three inches, due to the immense pressure. ?

"I can't say it's very comfortable," Cameron told the AP. "And you can't stretch out."


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Use a dating blog, a dating site that features the top dating sites ...

Use a dating blog, a dating site that features the top dating sites

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6 Pitfalls in your Love & Money Relationships | Ideal Life Vision

As you are creating your Ideal Life Vision business, you might face some resistance at home or in your other personal relationships. Sometimes change and growth can be perceived by your loved ones as a threat, and so they respond accordingly.

In order to create harmony and safety in your relationships, while growing your business, I suggest you work on both simultaneously so that you can create more purpose, passion and pay in your relationships, which allows you to enjoy them, and don?t simply endure them.

Lately, I?m noticing a trend of 6 common themes that are reoccurring in most of my mentoring client?s lives, and it?s causing huge pitfalls in their marriages. Addressing one or more of these areas will cause dramatic improvement in your married life, which will translate to your business, and overall well-being.

  1. Negative Thinking-? We have 50,000 thoughts per day, and 80 % of those are generated by our subconscious. Our belief systems and thought patterns are revealed here, and most people struggle with pre-dominantly negative thoughts. Our thoughts directly affect our emotions, actions, and ultimately, results. The key is to pattern interrupt the negative thoughts about our spouse, and insert positive statements so that you are reprogramming your brain to frame into a more positive mindset.
  2. Financial Infidelity- Whenever you over spend, spend money secretly, hide money, have accounts your spouse doesn?t know about, etc. you are creating financial infidelity. If you are not transparent about your money, you are sabotaging your relationship. Come clean, get clear and honest with each other.
  3. Focus on ?Don?ts? vs. ?Dos?- I?m seeing an epidemic of people pointing out the 3 things their spouse didn?t do, and not focusing on the 17 things they did do.? Acknowledgment goes a long way, make sure you are balancing your attention to both sides of your loved ones actions.
  4. Structured time- I highly recommend that you have time planned into your day to nurture your marriage and family relationships. With so many things vying for your time, many people fail to carve out time to date their spouse, or hold weekly mastermind meetings to go over your schedule, budget, and problem shooting. You need ?Boyfriend/girlfriend? time every week to keep the romance alive.
  5. Roles & Boundaries- In a business it?s natural to have a defined role and job responsibilities laid out., and it?s very beneficial in marriage as well, especially if you work in business together. When you outline the tasks that need to be done to keep your home running, and agree on who is doing what, then it eliminates the daily confusion or tension around getting tasks done and our expectations met. This is also a great way to identify and delegate tasks that can be done by others, relieving the two of you to do what?s your highest priority; being a spouse, parent and provider.
  6. Enrolling conversations- I?m shocked at how many people are making significant decisions in their life, and expect their spouse to be on board, without really enrolling them to the new changes. If you want to play bigger in life, great- and make sure you share your vision and strategies with your partner so they can support you, and not resist you.

These are small, but significant tweaks you can make in your relationships so that you experience more harmony and success.

As a bonus #7 tip, I suggest getting ongoing education and support for your marriage. Marriage is the #1 investment you make in life, and it needs continual nourishment.? Education + Accountability= Results. I will show you how to set up systems to increase the results in your marriage, create a unique mindset about how to view and approach your spouse, enroll him in what you are doing, and create harmony in your home. Evidence shows that a firm foundation at home is directly proportionate to the success of your business. When your marriage is functioning well, you make more money, period.

In your Lifevision you?ve written segments on what you want to have in your love and money relationships, now you have the opportunity to create it.

If you?d like more training, please consider my Making Love and Money home study course. It contains the recording of my live, 2 day event, and workbook to go through the exercises & training individually. This training was powerful, and feedback from the attendees was that they were able to implement the easy tools and have had fantastic results.? Go to for more details.

Thank you for letting me share some training with you, and I hope you use the lessons of the 6 pitfalls to improve your marriage and money situations today.

Join Shannon, Dino and Ann for the IdealVision Expert Call on Thursday April 5, 2012 at 3PM MT. They will share their top tips on having a successful marriage AND business!

Thursday, April 5th at 3:00pm Mountain
Primary dial in number: (206) 402-0100
Guest pin code: 435982#
Web Link:


Dino & Shannon Watt are relationship experts and founders of The Business of Marriage, a marriage enrichment program. Childhood friends since kindergarten, and married since 1994, the Watt?s have spent the last several years mentoring couples on how to have more purpose, passion & play in their marriage. Blending the latest research, true principles and real world application techniques, ?the Watt?s approach to relationships provide systems that are fresh, simple and easy to implement.



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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SEO Training For A Secured I.T Career - Education - EzineMark

In the past few year I.T market has invested a huge amount of capital in the online promotion, online marketing and SEO sector because of their numerous factors which provides great economical benefits. Nowadays web exposure is very important for every product and service for getting a handsome sale. And in order to get good web promotion, consumers hires various I.T companies which deals in online promotion and SEO services. These SEO companies looks after the online marketing campaign for these products and services. I.T corporate sector is earning a huge amount of money by this SEO and online marketing concepts.

For a successful online marketing campaign, proper SEO skills are required. That is why SEO professionals are in high demand in the I.T corporate sector so that company can fetch a decent business. For becoming a successful SEO professional, industrial training on SEO is required.

As SEO is a stepwise process which should to be in a proper manner in order to promote a service or a product successfully on world wide web. Secondly, the I.T companies providing SEO and web promotion not only deal in these two aspects but in fact majorly deals in other I.T aspects. As a result, these companies don't wants to invest a single penny for the industrial training programs of fresher's SEO and online marketing executive. Most of the I.T companies wises to make most out of SEO and online marketing without investing any capital. For this purpose these companies requires well trained SEO and web promotion experts.

But, SEO and online marketing have opened new gates of jobs and employment for the candidates who are having solid knowledge of web promotion.

The number of job opportunities in the web promotion and SEO sector are much more then any other I.T sector. Moreover SEO marketing is growing day by day in India, as online marketing is becoming popular and popular day by day because of the busy schedule of the common people in the country.SEO and online marketing is believed to one of biggest market in the country and one of the biggest source of employment too.

As a result, SEO training is becoming first choice of fresher's I.T students especially professional technical courses students like and master of computer application (M.C.A). Students are trusting SEO and online marketing skills for making a successful career in the I.T sector. There are numerous training institute which claims to provide world class SEO training but are fake most of the time. The best time for doing SEO training is summer breaks. Few leading SEO training companies provides industrial internship of SEO technology. Most of these training companies are situated in NCR region especially in Noida. And during there summer training in noida are provides live project training on SEO. The main benefit of these live project training on SEO is candidates are provided with a lifetime chance of working on a live SEO promotion campaign in the typical corporate environment during student's life only, much before joining the corporate sector. SEO training helps students to build among them before joining the market and also helps them for cracking interview as they gain strong technical skills while their industrial training programs.


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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How Come Nearly 90% Of Businesses Not Succeed? Lack Of ...

sangd347re Posted by sangd347re on 15 hours ago

A entrepreneur who was extremely busy moaned, ?I am too over-loaded to talk to any business planning consultant.? He was correct, he was too over-loaded and explanation is simply because he had not grabbed the time to invest in business planning process. People are too rushed to implement any type of planning however with out a strategy they?re going to remain overhelmed. And busy doesn?t suggest profitable.

Is your business unique? Does your business differentiate themselves from the others?

Many company proprietors are action-takers individuals who merely need to move on with the job. They typically feel that ?planning? is one thing that large firms undertake because they have people that are able to do it. Often they say their market place is everyone and promote on quality and being cheap. With these two concepts, the enterprise may be the very same as most of other businesses inside the market so there?s it is not possible for them to differentiate.

Devoid of a properly developed business program, the organization will rarely be more than a job. They may possibly have several workers however the enterprise is probably to be smaller than it may very well be, be less profitable than it must be and require far more hours than is efficient.

Tips on how to do strategic planning.

One of several greatest difficulties for organization owners in beginning the planning process will not be understanding tips on how to develop the business plan. Sadly company planning explained in high schools so the majority of people have extremely tiny notion of what they?re able to use.

In addition many people are too near to their small business and have a psychological bond to it to adopt an unbiased look in the market place and the strategies for delivering the service to that market place. So the most effective answer would be to invest in a strategic planning consultancy.

What does a strategic planning consultant provide?

Very good business planning consultants may take the managers by means of a strategy planning procedure using tried methods.

This will determine how you may be different in your market. There are various other providers that offer you a similar product or solution so merely stating your organization will be the finest plumbing company, financial planner or tyre retailer does not make a distinction.

The analysis techniques will define your marketplace from all people to 1 where it is possible to differentiate yourself as the specialist like a plumbing company for high-rise buildings, a financial planner for those who own companies or possibly a tyre shop for performance cars. Instantly, your market will see you because the expert and you?re performing within a less populated environment.

The last key to a prosperous business plan will be the action program. It really is no use developing a great program if it really is never carried out. A poor plan successfully executed will probably provide more benefits than a great program improperly implemented.

A important piece of a business preparing course of action is usually to look at resources to see if they can fulfill the aims and objectives.

? Do you have got enough equipment?

? Do you?ve got the best men and women?

? Are your staff trained effectively?

? Do you have sufficient capital?

? Will it give a good ROI?

The last segment in the strategy is how will you measure it? With out measuring you might have no notion of one?s success.

Effective companies have 1 thing in prevalent

Each of those elements ? identifying the target market, positioning yourself because the apparent choice for that market and a nicely resourceful action plan ? are foundations to a successful business.

A superb strategic plan will not ensure you a effective business. Nevertheless devoid of a strategic planning process, you will be certain to fail. Hiring a business planning service Auckland can help your business

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Ought to Alter your Pet's Diet|How you can understand as soon as ...

You will need to you to keep family pet happy and balanced. How did you know when it?s time to change your canine?s diet regime? Who do you discuss with to be able to find out more about your canine?s diet program as well as what has to be modified?

It may look like that your particular doggy does just great upon whatsoever case as well as might regarding dog food flops within the wagon for the market, so how do you know for certain that the canine?s weight loss program is on track? Take note associated with several easy reasons for having the dog. The doggie?s diet plan has effects on all aspects regarding lifestyle, thus notice your dog before jumping to be able to findings.

Here are some things to ask all by yourself when attempting to choose but if your dog?s diet regime uses a adjust. How does this doggy behave? Is your furry friend continually scrounging close to your house with regard to food crumbs as well as waste? Can your four-legged friend remainder easily following a mealtime?

Your pet dog who?s whole in addition to articles might be unlikely to be able to feed on and will be able to take some sort of sleep following a great mealtime.

Are your household pets components dripping, lean, or maybe business? A pup?s eating plan will probably dramatically influence their outputs. You should be able to know if your dog?s diet is right for these folks by way of tracking potty puts a stop to.

But if your puppy is actually typically sense beneath the climate or getting sick, you might consider what is inside the puppy dish. Always check for canine accessories. The pet?s meals are precisely what nourishes a immunity process in addition to maintains your pet sense wholesome. A diet absent correct supplements along with diet will never keep your pet working with his very best.

When your furry friend expands in addition to matures, you should reprogram your pup?s diet regime. A pup possesses distinct wellness demands with regards to eating habits when compared with will a grown-up canine. Pets love dog toys. Older pets may require senior citizen meal plans to support eliminate excess fat or health concerns.

How is your canine?s energy level? Does your pet dog seem care-free and also high put? The pup?s diet program may very well be influencing this particular fact. If your pet dog and you get strolls for a number of distance, you might need to adjust a pup?s diet for the elevated level of activity.

If you continue your pet indoors or out also can matter as part of your puppie?s diet program. Pets keeping yourself outside in the winter might require excess meals and even more fat laden calories to stay heated through the cool winter season.

In case you are possibly doubtful in what kind of meals are suitable for your canine, consult a professional. Your vet should invariably be encouraged of a typical medical or perhaps health problems. He as well as she will be very glad go over along with you several pet eating plans and distinct advantages and drawbacks. Without good dog leads things owuld be tough. Nobody is aware the dog better than anyone with a veterinarian. Work alongside one another to find out when your canine is definitely expressing clues which his diet plan uses a transform.

Several elements can influence the need to make positive changes to puppie?s diet program. Health conditions, grow older, as well as the elements is often grounds for your canine?s eating habits to help involve modification. Speak to your doctor in regards to the ideal diet plan for your furry friend. Good observation and also knowledge will assist you to determine if your canine?s dishes are close to trail.


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bahraini protesters battle police outside Manama

MANAMA (Reuters) - Bahraini protesters battled with riot police near Manama on Friday after the funeral of a woman whose family said she died after tear gas entered her home twice in the past week.

A U.N. rights body this week expressed concern over the use of excessive force and tear gas by Bahraini security forces.

Police moved in with water cannon and armored vehicles to break up hundreds of protesters as they approached a checkpoint near 'Pearl Roundabout', hub of pro-democracy protests last year led by majority Shi'ite Muslims complaining of marginalization.

The wind carried some of the tear gas away, allowing youths to lob petrol bombs at close range at the vehicles, scoring direct hits. The water cannon fired hot water during the clashes in the district of Jidhafs on the edge of the capital.

The protesters carried banners in the name of the February 14 Youth Coalition, a movement formed since last year's uprising which says it wants the overthrow of the Al Khalifa family that dominates Bahrain's government and economy.

Police later brought in reinforcements of at least several hundred riot police with batons and shields who fired tear gas into the neighborhood as youths taunted them from a distance, sometimes grabbing the tear gas canisters and hurling them back.

"Come and fight hand to hand, you cowards, you animals!" one teenager shouted before throwing a rock at police, a mainly Sunni force which employs many foreigners.

Police fired back, engulfing a vegetable market in tear gas.

Earlier, residents buried the body of 59-year-old Abda Ali Abdul Hussein who died overnight after her home was tear gassed, her son Ali said at the graveyard.

"I consider her a victim of the clashes," he said, adding she had been discharged from hospital this week still suffering lung inflammation after tear gas entered her home a week ago.

"She collapsed in the bathroom. We called a military hospital nearby for an ambulance but they didn't have any free. By the time one came from the main public hospital she had died," he said, adding that his mother had been diabetic.

The U.N. High Commission for Human Rights said this week it wanted to investigate possible disproportionate use of force against demonstrators in Bahrain, citing excessive use of tear gas and a rising death toll.

Activists say at least 33 people have died since June amid daily clashes in Shi'ite districts, as the government tries to lock protesters in to stop any renewed mass movement in Manama.

Police question the causes of death and their attribution to the political conflict. They say they are showing restraint in the face of violent youth challenging state authority.


Friday's clashes erupted during a series of 10 licensed protests organized by the Gulf Arab state's official opposition parties, led by the Shi'ite Wefaq group.

There were clashes at some other protests, and youths pulled down a lamppost thought to carry a security camera facing a popular coffee shop in the Budaiya district. A police statement said Wefaq leaders would be questioned over the incidents.

The February 14 Youth Coalition protesters broke away from one of those official protests, ignoring Wefaq organizers in orange vests with Wefaq logos who were directing traffic.

"This protest is for bringing down the regime. This one's for fighting," said one man as he ran down the street to join the group marching towards Pearl Roundabout, which has been under heavy guard and closed to traffic for a year.

Opposition parties, which include some Sunni and secular groups, want to reduce the powers of the Sunni ruling family, give parliament legislative clout and form a new cabinet. The government has been headed by King Hamad's uncle Sheikh Khalifa since Bahrain became independent in 1971.

A senior ruling family member has been in contact with Wefaq over possible dialogue to end a crisis that has slowed the economy. Hotels and some office blocks stand half-empty. Manama is no longer the weekend getaway it once was for Saudi tourists.

"The people of Bahrain announce that they will continue to use street action everywhere as long as we do not have our rights and one authority monopolizes administration of the country," Wefaq and three other parties said in a statement.

Bahrain is aligned with Washington in its conflict with Iran over its nuclear work and hosts the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet.

The United States has urged Bahrain to begin dialogue to end the crisis but Manama must also heed Saudi Arabia, with which it shares a major oil field.

Riyadh sent troops last March to help Bahrain break the protest movement, which erupted after revolts in Egypt and Tunisia shook the region by removing long-entrenched rulers.

Diplomats and opposition figures say Saudi Arabia is now worried that the turmoil in Bahrain could distract attention from its efforts to support rebels in Syria and could inspire Shi'ites in its Eastern Province to challenge the state.

Some Sunni groups in Bahrain do not want the government to give in to the Shi'ite-led opposition, which they accuse of seeking to use street violence to take power.

(Editing by Alistair Lyon)


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Santorum Tries to Keep Campaign Alive in Louisiana

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Identification of potential do-it-yourself ways to improve the Home ...

House Painting Nightmares to Avoid 300x202 Identification of potential do it yourself ways to improve the Home ImprovementThere are several options to enhance individual home advantage, if they try to take on the appearance of their homes to improve and increase the value of their property. While hiring a specialist may be a good opportunity to offer in terms of convenience, cost fantastic, the service associated with this question too often people look for alternatives. To find opportunities that are alternatives for your home improvement projects, make the most options for do-it-yourself, to landscaping there, remodeling painting, flooring and bathroom.


In the search for significant changes within or outside your house, one of the most effective methods that you can make the most of either, with do-it-yourself paint available. This option can be used to improve the house, you can completely change the mood of your home. Simply by changing your colors, you can your rooms new and unique personality. ?No matter if you paint a room for a child or try to create a welcoming living environment, the resources of painting can provide excellent opportunities.

As the possibilities are to painting, coating floor showing another type of an opportunity to help completely change the environment of this land exists within. If your house is covered with old carpet and a new change of wood or stone floors can be extremely beneficial. If you do not currently linoleum, the solution do-it-yourself ceramic tile or stone to accentuate the help of a kitchen or bathroom.bathroom renovation

A remarkable Another do-it-yourself resources that homeowners and apartment can enjoy the moment to make the most of the objectives of home improvement, remodeling can with a bathroom. Bathrooms are typically environments that are very personal, and the difference between a clean, bright gives the room the atmosphere should not be underestimated. A bathroom should be renovated very attractive to investors because they get a better return on their investment through the attraction of new features, instead of carrying and obsolete materials.Each this do-it-yourself home-improvement opportunities to help provide owners with a one of a kind at saving money while promoting the value of the house together.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Moffitt Cancer Center researchers link stigma to depression among lung cancer patients

Moffitt Cancer Center researchers link stigma to depression among lung cancer patients [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Mar-2012
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Contact: Ferdie De Vega
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Social rejection, internalized shame play role

TAMPA, Fla. (March 23, 2012) Studying the role of social stigma in depression for lung cancer patients, researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla., have found that depression can be heightened by a lung cancer patient's sense of social rejection, internalized shame and social isolation. These factors may contribute to depression at rates higher than experienced by patients with other kinds of cancer.

Their study was published in a recent issue of Psycho-Oncology (21:2012).

"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the relationship of perceived stigma to depressive symptomology in lung cancer patients," said study co-author Paul B. Jacobsen, Ph.D., Moffitt's associate center director for Population Sciences. "Given its strong association with tobacco use, lung cancer is commonly viewed as a preventable disease. Consequently, patients may blame themselves for developing lung cancer and feel stigmatized. Even lung cancer patients who have never smoked often felt accurately or inaccurately that they were being blamed for their disease by friends, loved ones and even health care professionals."

According to study co-author Brian D. Gonzalez, M.A., of Moffitt's Department of Health Outcomes and Behavior, the aim of the study was to identify psychosocial links for depression among lung cancer patients in order to develop interventions. They also wanted to find out if beyond other social and demographic factors often taken into account in studies of depression and cancer diagnosis perceived stigma could account for variability in depressive symptoms in cancer patients.

Participants in the study were those diagnosed with stage II, III or IV non-small cell lung cancer, and data on their depressive symptoms were elicited by questionnaire.

"We found that 38 percent of those in the survey suffered from depression," said Gonzalez. "That percentage was similar to other studies documenting depression in lung cancer patients (21 to 44 percent), but we found that greater levels of perceived stigma were related to greater levels of depression. Additionally, greater levels of depression were related to more avoidant coping, poorer social support and more dysfunctional attitudes."

The researchers also examined rates of social rejection, financial insecurity, internalized shame and social isolation.

"Documenting this link between stigma and depression is important because it adds further evidence to the growing body of research suggesting a link between illness-related stigma and the symptoms of depression," concluded Jacobsen. "For example, studies on depression and HIV have found similar links between disease, stigma and depression."

For Gonzalez, the findings in this study suggest that psychotherapeutic approaches might be useful in alleviating or preventing depression among lung cancer patients.

"Many approaches to reducing perceived stigma focus on education of the public about lung cancer inaccuracies and stereotypes, and replacing those inaccuracies with facts," said Gonzalez. "Instead, therapy that focuses on altering the patient's thoughts and feelings associated with their perceptions of stigma may prove effective in reducing depressive symptoms. For example, emphasizing the addictiveness of tobacco products and the deception in tobacco industry advertising could help patients view themselves as being 'wronged' rather than as a 'wrong-doers.'"


About Moffitt Cancer Center

Follow Moffitt on Facebook:

Follow Moffitt on Twitter: @MoffittNews

Follow Moffitt on YouTube: MoffittNews

Located in Tampa, Moffitt Cancer Center is a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, which recognizes Moffitt's excellence in research and contributions to clinical trials, prevention and cancer control. Moffitt is also a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, a prestigious alliance of the country's leading cancer centers, and is listed in U.S. News & World Report as one of "America's Best Hospitals" for cancer.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Moffitt Cancer Center researchers link stigma to depression among lung cancer patients [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Mar-2012
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Contact: Ferdie De Vega
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Social rejection, internalized shame play role

TAMPA, Fla. (March 23, 2012) Studying the role of social stigma in depression for lung cancer patients, researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla., have found that depression can be heightened by a lung cancer patient's sense of social rejection, internalized shame and social isolation. These factors may contribute to depression at rates higher than experienced by patients with other kinds of cancer.

Their study was published in a recent issue of Psycho-Oncology (21:2012).

"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the relationship of perceived stigma to depressive symptomology in lung cancer patients," said study co-author Paul B. Jacobsen, Ph.D., Moffitt's associate center director for Population Sciences. "Given its strong association with tobacco use, lung cancer is commonly viewed as a preventable disease. Consequently, patients may blame themselves for developing lung cancer and feel stigmatized. Even lung cancer patients who have never smoked often felt accurately or inaccurately that they were being blamed for their disease by friends, loved ones and even health care professionals."

According to study co-author Brian D. Gonzalez, M.A., of Moffitt's Department of Health Outcomes and Behavior, the aim of the study was to identify psychosocial links for depression among lung cancer patients in order to develop interventions. They also wanted to find out if beyond other social and demographic factors often taken into account in studies of depression and cancer diagnosis perceived stigma could account for variability in depressive symptoms in cancer patients.

Participants in the study were those diagnosed with stage II, III or IV non-small cell lung cancer, and data on their depressive symptoms were elicited by questionnaire.

"We found that 38 percent of those in the survey suffered from depression," said Gonzalez. "That percentage was similar to other studies documenting depression in lung cancer patients (21 to 44 percent), but we found that greater levels of perceived stigma were related to greater levels of depression. Additionally, greater levels of depression were related to more avoidant coping, poorer social support and more dysfunctional attitudes."

The researchers also examined rates of social rejection, financial insecurity, internalized shame and social isolation.

"Documenting this link between stigma and depression is important because it adds further evidence to the growing body of research suggesting a link between illness-related stigma and the symptoms of depression," concluded Jacobsen. "For example, studies on depression and HIV have found similar links between disease, stigma and depression."

For Gonzalez, the findings in this study suggest that psychotherapeutic approaches might be useful in alleviating or preventing depression among lung cancer patients.

"Many approaches to reducing perceived stigma focus on education of the public about lung cancer inaccuracies and stereotypes, and replacing those inaccuracies with facts," said Gonzalez. "Instead, therapy that focuses on altering the patient's thoughts and feelings associated with their perceptions of stigma may prove effective in reducing depressive symptoms. For example, emphasizing the addictiveness of tobacco products and the deception in tobacco industry advertising could help patients view themselves as being 'wronged' rather than as a 'wrong-doers.'"


About Moffitt Cancer Center

Follow Moffitt on Facebook:

Follow Moffitt on Twitter: @MoffittNews

Follow Moffitt on YouTube: MoffittNews

Located in Tampa, Moffitt Cancer Center is a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, which recognizes Moffitt's excellence in research and contributions to clinical trials, prevention and cancer control. Moffitt is also a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, a prestigious alliance of the country's leading cancer centers, and is listed in U.S. News & World Report as one of "America's Best Hospitals" for cancer.

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Oc? Business Services Highlights Sourcing and Outsourcing ...

Procurement and outsourcing professionals play a key role in acquiring and cost-effectively managing these services. Oc? Business Services, a Canon Group company and a leader in managed business process services, will discuss the tools needed to help ?
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mario Lopez and Fianc? Load Up on Spring Scents | Cupid's Pulse ...

Cupid's Pulse, celebrity couples, Mario Lopez, Courtney Mazza, fiance, dating advice, date ideas, spring season

Mario Lopez and Courtney Mazza Photo:

Spring is in the air, and actor Mario Lopez and his fiance Courtney Mazza started the season with some fresh scents. ?The couple loaded up on the latest spring collection at Bath and Body Works, and Mazza joked about how she loves to hoard their products. ?According to People, Mario mentioned that he loves it when his fiance wears a coconut scent as they were testing out the new products.

What are some fun ways to celebrate spring with your partner?

Cupid?s Advice:

Spring has finally come after a long winter, so get out and enjoy it with the one you love. ?Cupid has some tips to help you shake off your winter blues and get spring rolling:

1. Be active:?Snow is melted and the sun is shining, so take advantage of what Mother Nature has to offer by planning an outdoor date. ?Rollerblading or going to play putt-putt where you can breathe in some of the fresh new air are great options.

2. Kick back:? It?s always nice to relax with the sun warming up your face and giving you a healthy glow, so plan a picnic with your partner somewhere where you can enjoy each others? company and take in the newly budding nature around you.

3. Re-accessorize:? It?s time to ditch those winter clothes and hall out your summer wardrobe. ?Hit the shopping mall with your partner, and load up on some new spring trend essentials.

How do you plan to celebrate the start of the season? ?Share your comments below.

Connect With Cupid...



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Trim the tax on Social Security benefits in retirement ? Business ...

It?s bad enough that you have to pay Social Security taxes while you?re working, but you could also get hit with federal income tax on Social Security benefits received in retirement!

Strategy: Figure out if you?ll be taxed on Social Security benefits. If so, make moves to reduce your tax liability.

Here?s the whole story: Whether or not you must pay tax on Social Security benefits depends on the amount of your ?provisional income? (PI). For this purpose, PI is the total of your AGI, tax-exempt interest income and one-half of the Social Security benefits received.

For example, if your AGI is $80,000 and you collect $12,000 in municipal bond income and $16,000 in Social Security benefits, your PI for the year is $100,000 ($80,000 + $12,000 + $8,000).

There are two tiers for taxing Social Security benefits. Here?s how it works:

Tier 1: If your PI is between $32,000 and $44,000 ($25,000 and $34,000 for single filers), you must pay tax on the lesser of one-half of your benefits or 50% of the amount by which PI exceeds $32,000 ($25,000 for single filers).

Tier 2: If your PI is above $44,000 ($34,000 for single filers), you must include in taxable income 85% of the amount by which PI exceeds $44,000 ($34,000 for single filers) plus the lesser of the amount determined under the first tier or $6,000 ($4,500 for single filers). Caveat: In no event can the taxable amount exceed 85% of the benefits received.

4 ways to reduce your tax bill

The trick for reducing the tax is to knock down your PI below one or both of the tier thresholds. Here are four ideas:

1. Cash in on stock market losers. Capital losses triggered before the end of the year can offset capital gains plus up to $3,000 of ordinary income. This may be enough to pull down your PI to a lower-taxed level.

2. Cash in bank CDs to pay for living expenses. The CDs produce income that will increase your PI. At the same time, hold onto stock with long-term growth objectives.

3. Defer taxable income to next year. For example, if you plan on investing in CDs or T-Bills, make sure you acquire investments that won?t mature until 2013 or later.

4. Double up on IRA liquidations. If you have to tap your IRA for living expenses, take a double distribution in 2012. If you aren?t required to take withdrawals in 2013, you could live off of the proceeds without taking taxable funds from your IRA.

Tip: This last strategy could result in tax in alternate years.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Learn How To Make Easy Home Improvements

This article has been viewed 31 times.

Pick a reputable contractor that listen to your needs. Hiring a contractor that is honest is important, but you need to be aware if they are listening to any of your concerns. There is no reason for you to pay for work that you did not agree to. Make sure that they pay very close attention to what you tell them.

Look at your roof for damages that may have happened over the winter when the weather turns. Here is one sign of damage to look for: shingles that are no longer flat, having taken on a curl due to winter?s stresses. You will want to replace these damaged shingles. Fixing minor roof problems right away can prevent more major and costly problems down the road.

Be sure that you check lower parts of your property, such as your home?s foundation. These low areas can be packed with compacted soil so water no longer pools and erodes yards. If water pools up near your house, it can eat at the foundation of your house.

Work from the inside out when improving your home. You generally want to do these prior to other jobs since they require access to the inside of your walls. On the flip side, if you are planning to remodel, you should do these things first so that your remodel will not be ruined because one of these areas failed.

When performing home improvements in areas with heavy plumbing, (e.g. kitchens and bathrooms) replace ordinary wall board with water-resistant wall board. Commonly known as ?green board? in the building industry, water-resistant wall board stands up to increased moisture better than standard board, and most brands are treated to prevent the growth of dangerous mold that can thrive in damp areas.

Apply an asphalt search to keep your driveway from crumbling and cracking. Your driveway can be damaged by wet weather or the sun, especially if water gets in the cracks and freezes. Applying a sealant protects the driveway, prevents weather-related damage and helps the driveway last longer.

A front porch is a worthwhile place to invest your home improvement efforts. It is the first thing visitors see and creates their first impression of your home. Make sure to remove any debris. Adding foliage, furniture, and lighting all help make a good impression. This can increase the property value of your home.

One of the best ways to improve the value and overall quality of your home is to upgrade the appliances. Any appliance that you upgrade will help you add value and give you a great start towards your home improvement goals.

Take the information laid out here and complete the home improvement projects that will help improve your home. No matter how small of a project you complete, finishing your own home improvement project will give you a great sense of accomplishment. Step back and look at all that you have accomplished.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Study shows air emissions near fracking sites may impact health

Study shows air emissions near fracking sites may impact health [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Mar-2012
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Contact: David Kelly
University of Colorado Denver

They contain hydrocarbons including benzene

AURORA, Colo. -- In a new study, researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health have shown that air pollution caused by hydraulic fracturing or fracking may contribute to acute and chronic health problems for those living near natural gas drilling sites.

"Our data show that it is important to include air pollution in the national dialogue on natural gas development that has focused largely on water exposures to hydraulic fracturing," said Lisa McKenzie, Ph.D., MPH, lead author of the study and research associate at the Colorado School of Public Health.

The study will be published in an upcoming edition of Science of the Total Environment.

The report, based on three years of monitoring, found a number of potentially toxic petroleum hydrocarbons in the air near the wells including benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and xylene. Benzene has been identified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a known carcinogen. Other chemicals included heptane, octane and diethylbenzene but information on their toxicity is limited.

"Our results show that the non-cancer health impacts from air emissions due to natural gas development is greater for residents living closer to wells," the report said. "The greatest health impact corresponds to the relatively short-term, but high emission, well completion period."

That's due to exposure to trimethylbenzenes, aliaphatic hydrocarbons, and xylenes, all of which have neurological and/or respiratory effects, the study said. Those effects could include eye irritation, headaches, sore throat and difficulty breathing.

"We also calculated higher cancer risks for residents living nearer to the wells as compared to those residing further [away]," the report said. "Benzene is the major contributor to lifetime excess cancer risk from both scenarios."

The report, which looked at those living about a half-mile from the wells, comes in response to the rapid expansion of natural gas development in rural Garfield County, in western Colorado.

Typically, wells are developed in stages that include drilling followed by hydraulic fracturing , the high powered injection of water and chemicals into the drilled area to release the gas. After that, there is flowback or the return of fracking and geologic fluids, hydrocarbons and natural gas to the surface. The gas is then collected and sold.

Garfield County asked the Colorado School of Public Health to assess the potential health impacts of these wells on the community of Battlement Mesa with a population of about 5,000.

McKenzie analyzed ambient air sample data collected from monitoring stations by the Garfield County Department of Public Health and Olsson Associates Inc. She used standard EPA methodology to estimate non-cancer health impacts and excess lifetime cancer risks for hydrocarbon exposure.

McKenzie noted that EPA standards are designed to be public health proactive and may overestimate risks.

"However, there wasn't data available on all the chemicals emitted during the well development process," she said. "If there had been, then it is entirely possible the risks would have been underestimated."

The report concludes that health risks are greater for people living closest to wells and urges a reduction in those air emissions.

McKenzie said future studies are warranted and should include collection of area, residential and personal exposure data where wells are operating. Additional studies, she said, should also examine the toxicity of other hydrocarbons associated with natural gas development.


The study is entitled "Human Health Risk Assessment of Air Emissions from Development of Unconventional Natural Gas Resources." It was accepted for publication in March by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

About the Colorado School of Public Health

The Colorado School of Public Health is the first and only accredited school of public health in the Rocky Mountain Region, attracting top tier faculty and students from across the country, and providing a vital contribution towards ensuring our region's health and well-being. Collaboratively formed by the University of Colorado Denver, Colorado State University, and the University of Northern Colorado, the Colorado School of Public Health provides training, innovative research and community service to actively address public health issues, including chronic disease, access to health care, environmental threats, emerging infectious diseases, and costly injuries.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Study shows air emissions near fracking sites may impact health [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Mar-2012
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Contact: David Kelly
University of Colorado Denver

They contain hydrocarbons including benzene

AURORA, Colo. -- In a new study, researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health have shown that air pollution caused by hydraulic fracturing or fracking may contribute to acute and chronic health problems for those living near natural gas drilling sites.

"Our data show that it is important to include air pollution in the national dialogue on natural gas development that has focused largely on water exposures to hydraulic fracturing," said Lisa McKenzie, Ph.D., MPH, lead author of the study and research associate at the Colorado School of Public Health.

The study will be published in an upcoming edition of Science of the Total Environment.

The report, based on three years of monitoring, found a number of potentially toxic petroleum hydrocarbons in the air near the wells including benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and xylene. Benzene has been identified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a known carcinogen. Other chemicals included heptane, octane and diethylbenzene but information on their toxicity is limited.

"Our results show that the non-cancer health impacts from air emissions due to natural gas development is greater for residents living closer to wells," the report said. "The greatest health impact corresponds to the relatively short-term, but high emission, well completion period."

That's due to exposure to trimethylbenzenes, aliaphatic hydrocarbons, and xylenes, all of which have neurological and/or respiratory effects, the study said. Those effects could include eye irritation, headaches, sore throat and difficulty breathing.

"We also calculated higher cancer risks for residents living nearer to the wells as compared to those residing further [away]," the report said. "Benzene is the major contributor to lifetime excess cancer risk from both scenarios."

The report, which looked at those living about a half-mile from the wells, comes in response to the rapid expansion of natural gas development in rural Garfield County, in western Colorado.

Typically, wells are developed in stages that include drilling followed by hydraulic fracturing , the high powered injection of water and chemicals into the drilled area to release the gas. After that, there is flowback or the return of fracking and geologic fluids, hydrocarbons and natural gas to the surface. The gas is then collected and sold.

Garfield County asked the Colorado School of Public Health to assess the potential health impacts of these wells on the community of Battlement Mesa with a population of about 5,000.

McKenzie analyzed ambient air sample data collected from monitoring stations by the Garfield County Department of Public Health and Olsson Associates Inc. She used standard EPA methodology to estimate non-cancer health impacts and excess lifetime cancer risks for hydrocarbon exposure.

McKenzie noted that EPA standards are designed to be public health proactive and may overestimate risks.

"However, there wasn't data available on all the chemicals emitted during the well development process," she said. "If there had been, then it is entirely possible the risks would have been underestimated."

The report concludes that health risks are greater for people living closest to wells and urges a reduction in those air emissions.

McKenzie said future studies are warranted and should include collection of area, residential and personal exposure data where wells are operating. Additional studies, she said, should also examine the toxicity of other hydrocarbons associated with natural gas development.


The study is entitled "Human Health Risk Assessment of Air Emissions from Development of Unconventional Natural Gas Resources." It was accepted for publication in March by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

About the Colorado School of Public Health

The Colorado School of Public Health is the first and only accredited school of public health in the Rocky Mountain Region, attracting top tier faculty and students from across the country, and providing a vital contribution towards ensuring our region's health and well-being. Collaboratively formed by the University of Colorado Denver, Colorado State University, and the University of Northern Colorado, the Colorado School of Public Health provides training, innovative research and community service to actively address public health issues, including chronic disease, access to health care, environmental threats, emerging infectious diseases, and costly injuries.

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