Thursday, March 29, 2012

6 Pitfalls in your Love & Money Relationships | Ideal Life Vision

As you are creating your Ideal Life Vision business, you might face some resistance at home or in your other personal relationships. Sometimes change and growth can be perceived by your loved ones as a threat, and so they respond accordingly.

In order to create harmony and safety in your relationships, while growing your business, I suggest you work on both simultaneously so that you can create more purpose, passion and pay in your relationships, which allows you to enjoy them, and don?t simply endure them.

Lately, I?m noticing a trend of 6 common themes that are reoccurring in most of my mentoring client?s lives, and it?s causing huge pitfalls in their marriages. Addressing one or more of these areas will cause dramatic improvement in your married life, which will translate to your business, and overall well-being.

  1. Negative Thinking-? We have 50,000 thoughts per day, and 80 % of those are generated by our subconscious. Our belief systems and thought patterns are revealed here, and most people struggle with pre-dominantly negative thoughts. Our thoughts directly affect our emotions, actions, and ultimately, results. The key is to pattern interrupt the negative thoughts about our spouse, and insert positive statements so that you are reprogramming your brain to frame into a more positive mindset.
  2. Financial Infidelity- Whenever you over spend, spend money secretly, hide money, have accounts your spouse doesn?t know about, etc. you are creating financial infidelity. If you are not transparent about your money, you are sabotaging your relationship. Come clean, get clear and honest with each other.
  3. Focus on ?Don?ts? vs. ?Dos?- I?m seeing an epidemic of people pointing out the 3 things their spouse didn?t do, and not focusing on the 17 things they did do.? Acknowledgment goes a long way, make sure you are balancing your attention to both sides of your loved ones actions.
  4. Structured time- I highly recommend that you have time planned into your day to nurture your marriage and family relationships. With so many things vying for your time, many people fail to carve out time to date their spouse, or hold weekly mastermind meetings to go over your schedule, budget, and problem shooting. You need ?Boyfriend/girlfriend? time every week to keep the romance alive.
  5. Roles & Boundaries- In a business it?s natural to have a defined role and job responsibilities laid out., and it?s very beneficial in marriage as well, especially if you work in business together. When you outline the tasks that need to be done to keep your home running, and agree on who is doing what, then it eliminates the daily confusion or tension around getting tasks done and our expectations met. This is also a great way to identify and delegate tasks that can be done by others, relieving the two of you to do what?s your highest priority; being a spouse, parent and provider.
  6. Enrolling conversations- I?m shocked at how many people are making significant decisions in their life, and expect their spouse to be on board, without really enrolling them to the new changes. If you want to play bigger in life, great- and make sure you share your vision and strategies with your partner so they can support you, and not resist you.

These are small, but significant tweaks you can make in your relationships so that you experience more harmony and success.

As a bonus #7 tip, I suggest getting ongoing education and support for your marriage. Marriage is the #1 investment you make in life, and it needs continual nourishment.? Education + Accountability= Results. I will show you how to set up systems to increase the results in your marriage, create a unique mindset about how to view and approach your spouse, enroll him in what you are doing, and create harmony in your home. Evidence shows that a firm foundation at home is directly proportionate to the success of your business. When your marriage is functioning well, you make more money, period.

In your Lifevision you?ve written segments on what you want to have in your love and money relationships, now you have the opportunity to create it.

If you?d like more training, please consider my Making Love and Money home study course. It contains the recording of my live, 2 day event, and workbook to go through the exercises & training individually. This training was powerful, and feedback from the attendees was that they were able to implement the easy tools and have had fantastic results.? Go to for more details.

Thank you for letting me share some training with you, and I hope you use the lessons of the 6 pitfalls to improve your marriage and money situations today.

Join Shannon, Dino and Ann for the IdealVision Expert Call on Thursday April 5, 2012 at 3PM MT. They will share their top tips on having a successful marriage AND business!

Thursday, April 5th at 3:00pm Mountain
Primary dial in number: (206) 402-0100
Guest pin code: 435982#
Web Link:


Dino & Shannon Watt are relationship experts and founders of The Business of Marriage, a marriage enrichment program. Childhood friends since kindergarten, and married since 1994, the Watt?s have spent the last several years mentoring couples on how to have more purpose, passion & play in their marriage. Blending the latest research, true principles and real world application techniques, ?the Watt?s approach to relationships provide systems that are fresh, simple and easy to implement.



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