Saturday, March 17, 2012

[OOC] Monsters

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

Level 1: Hippips- small creatures who won't chase after a fight. But if you get them angry, they can give a nasty scratch or bite. They can pretty much be found wondering around anywhere. Some people even keep them as pets. (Give .5 exp)

Level 2: Curls- This creature is a bit nippy and has a major attitude. It likes to bite at anyone it sees and the hard shell on it's back is great for protection when it rolls into a ball. Curls can usually only be found in the desert. (Give .20 exp)

Level 3: Kois- A bird-like creature with sharp talons that are strong enough to cut through weak metal. They also have sharp jagged teeth in their beaks and spit saliva which is sticky enough to immobalize a player. They are found only in the forest. (Gives .60 exp)

Level 4:

Level 5:

Level 6:

Level 7: Hibiki- A large bat-like creature which uses it's sound waves to stun it's prety. It attacks with sharp claws and fangs and drinks the blood from anyone it gets the chance to. It lives off blood and it makes it stronger, causing it's sound attacks to become more powerful the more it has. It can be found in the mino caves.

Level 8:

Level 9:

Level 10:

Level 11: Daiki- A giant tree which is hard to spot due to it's natural blend with the other trees. Players have said that you can tell when one is near by the unnatural groans it makes. It likes to surprise it's victims, using thorny arms and jagged wood to hurt it's enemies. It is said that it is very stubborn and will continue to fight even until it's last breath. It's very weak against fire and is found in the forest.

Level 12:

Level 13:

Level 14:

Level 15:

Level 16: Glocks- A horrid and ugly creature which has a very soft, fleshy skin. But don't let that fool you; it is able to regenerate body parts, including it's head. The only way to kill it is by destroying it's heart, which it is able to move to any part within it's body.

Level 17:

Level 18:

Level 19:

Level 20: Akane- The most vicious creature in Hax Infinity. It's body is covered in heavy armored scales and it is able to spit fire and ice. It has the ability to turn invisible and has a great amount of speed. The chance of finding it is very rare but the few who have have said that it was in the desert.

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